Health & Fitness

A Quick Buying Guide – Digital Blood Pressure Monitor

A Quick Buying Guide - Digital Blood Pressure Monitor

Is your doctor suggesting buying a digital blood pressure machine? That’s an amazing idea! The digital bp monitor will help you keep track of your blood pressure in between your workplace visits. What else do you want? If you go through a quick check, it will reveal thousands of different models. So, you need to make sure which one will suit you the best. 

Here’s how you can select the best digital blood pressure monitor for yourself – 

Size Matters 

When you’re selecting a digital blood pressure monitor for yourself, the size of the cuff is crucial. It must be known that the size is related to the circumference of the arm and if it doesn’t fit, it might result in inaccurate readings. For adult small blood pressure monitors, the arm circumference is around 22-26cms. For adults, arm circumference varied between 35-44cms, and for adult average, the arm circumference might vary from 27-34cms. 

Wrist Cuffs Mandatory

You can easily purchase it at a drugstore or even online. It’s recommended to get a digital blood pressure monitor that comes with an automatic cuff and wraps your upper arm. This is called a brachial blood pressure monitor. To be precise, an automatic cuff is mandatory that can easily go around your wrist. The wrist cuff works the best when you’re under the age of 50. 

Don’t Overpay 

Forget all about the bells and whistles because they boost the cost of the monitor and that’s not required at all. Storing your readings along with Bluetooth connectivity in the cloud are great qualities that are embedded in the digital pressure monitors, however, you don’t require them. 

Don’t go for the products that are overpriced. Search the market properly and understand what’s required. So, when you’re thinking of purchasing a digital blood pressure monitor for yourself, make sure that you check the prices properly. You can also purchase the digital bp monitor from our online store where you’ll get the best, better from the rest. 

Keep A Check On Accuracy 

Most of the digital blood pressure monitors that you find in the drugstores are just fine. However, it will never hurt you if you take your doctor’s suggestion before buying it. If the systolic blood pressure within your cuff falls within 10 points, then it’s generally accurate. It’s really important to keep a check on the accuracy of your digital blood pressure monitors in order to stay true to yourself as well. Most blood pressure monitors last for around 2-3 years. But, make sure they are still accurate or not. Accuracy is one of the highest ingredients required in digital blood pressure monitors. 

To briefly paraphrase, apart from accuracy, size, and other things, there’s one extra factor that you must consider before making the purchase i.e. taking three measurements accurately. It’s helpful because it averages the three readings that closely reflect your blood pressure. 

So, now you’re ready to wade in and buy the best one for yourself.