Health & Fitness

Are You Eligible For Invisalign Express?

Invisalign Express

Nowadays, every person wants fast and effective solution for every problem including dental issues! Considering such aspect Invisalign Express has become more preferable when it comes to orthodontic treatment solutions. It is known for providing effective outcomes in a short span of time.

If you are planning for teeth straightening treatment with this option then it is better to check whether it can meet the requirements. This blog entails important details on Invisalign Express which will help you to decide if it is the right solution or not. So, don’t miss to read it out.

Defining Invisalign Express

Invisalign Express refers to an orthodontic procedure which helps in obtaining straight smile by fixing certain dental problems. Invisalign Express price is relatively affordable than convention Invisalign. Even it corrects the oral issues fast than the Invisalign making it a perfect option for minor orthodontic works. 

Difference between Invisalign and Invisalign Express

Invisalign Express and Invisalign are great options for correcting the misaligned teeth and orthodontic problems. But Invisalign Express is different from traditional Invisalign in a number of ways and they are:

  • Treatment plan- Invisalign Express can address less complicated conditions but Invisalign can effectively work for complex conditions sometimes.
  • Treatment time- Invisalign Express consumes 6 months for correcting the issues whereas Invisalign may need up to a year or two for desirable outcome.
  • Orthodontic problems- Invisalign Express takes mild spacing or crowding problems into account. But Invisalign deals with severe orthodontic cases like underbites, overbites and crooked teeth.
  • Switching the aligner- You have to switch the Invisalign Express aligner once in every 2-3 weeks. But conventional Invisalign needs replacement once in a couple of weeks.
  • Maintenance- Invisalign Express deems less maintenance and provides more comfort to put on. Invisalign may cause mild discomfort in the initial days of putting on the aligner.

Who are ideal for Invisalign Express?

To check your eligibility, you need to visit the dentist who will consider the following factors to identify if you can undergo this procedure:

  • Dental health- Assessment of gums and teeth will be conducted to ensure there is no gum disease or decay and you are ready to go for Invisalign Express.
  • Clinical criteria- If the conditions are mild to moderate then only you can get it. It effectively corrects minor orthodontic issues.
  • Compliance- You need to put on the aligner for 20-22 hours every day. So, patients have to comply with the dentist’s instructions in order to attain desirable outcome.

What involves in Invisalign Express procedure?

The Invisalign Express procedure involves the given steps for correcting teeth positions:

  1. Initial appointment- During consultation with the dentist, they will check the condition of gums and teeth to determine that Invisalign Express will work for your issue. Then, the dentist takes teeth impressions, images and X-rays for making 3D model of the mouth to show the custom treatment plan, progress and final result.
  2. Production of customised aligner- After mapping out everything, the customised aligner will become ready. It comprises of transparent thermoplastic material that is hard to notice. It fits the teeth perfectly gently shifting the teeth in the desirable position.
  3. Follow up dental visits- During the entire treatment period, you have to pay visit to the dentist for monitoring the progress. You will get sets of aligners once in a couple of weeks for consistent progress.

What is the cost of Invisalign Express?

Invisalign Express cost depends on a number of factors. It includes severity of the case, treatment length, number of aligners required and location. However, it is still affordable than Invisalign to obtain straight smile because it needs less number of aligners with a relatively shorter time than classic Invisalign.

In case, you find the cost is somehow unbearable then many clinics provide flexible payment and finance options. You can consult with the dentist and choose the plan to split up the bills into easy monthly instalments.  

What to expect from Invisalign Express?

Invisalign Express efficiently treats mild to moderate alignment problems like crowding, spacing and misaligned teeth. But, it is better to understand that this is not effective for treating complex conditions. Plus, the time period needs for a straight smile differs from a patient to another.

However, every patient needs to put on the aligner for 20-22 hours every day in order to achieve the desirable outcome on time. Use search interest ‘an orthodontist for Invisalign express near me’ online to find a reliable provider for check up and treatment. By strictly adhering to dentist’s instructions you can obtain a better outcome in no time. 

What are the benefits of Invisalign Express?

Some advantages of Invisalign Go Express are:

  • Short treatment period- It consumes less time than conventional braces. The average treatment period is 6-month.
  • Minimal visibility- It is less noticeable becoming a popular choice for those with self-consciousness.
  • Removable aligners- You can remove the aligner during eating, drinking, flossing and brushing easily.
  • Efficient treatment- It works outstanding for minor orthodontic problems.

Hold on your new smile with Bayswater Dental Clinic

On completion of the treatment, you have to put on the retainers for maintaining the alignment of new smile. Apart from taking good oral care, you have to go for regular checkups as well.

To check your eligibility for the treatment, schedule an appointment at Bayswater Dental Clinic. They have experienced orthodontists to examine the condition and determine the most suitable treatment options for you to achieve a healthy and beautiful smile.

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