Kids Parenting

WISC Intelligence Test: Know Why You Should Make Your Child Take it?

WISC Intelligence Test

WISC Intelligence test, also known as The Wechsler Intelligence Scale is an individually administered & comprehensive clinical instrument. Using this test, you can determine or assess the thinking as well as reasoning skills of children between the age of 6 to 16 years. This learning assessment will help you determine your child’s learning potential as well as address any barriers that might be stopping them from achieving that potential. 

In simple words, WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) is a tool that assesses a child’s academic potential as well as progress. 

What is this test exactly? 

This test lasts for around 90-120 minutes in which your child undergoes different assessments including the following – 

  • Verbal comprehension
  • Fluid reasoning Index 
  • Visual-spatial Index
  • Processes speed index 
  • Working memory Index 

Through all these tests, the psychologists can gather a full-scale IQ of the child. By taking the WISC test, psychologists will get a unique insight into the behavior and performance of the child. There is a possibility that a child performs well in some of the above-mentioned areas in comparison to others. Depending on this assessment, you can work on the betterment of your child’s learning potential. 

This is not all. Through this test, you can also identify if a child is undergoing any learning disorder or difficulty. This further will help determine what action is needed to improve those areas. 

Let’s understand the 10 primary subtests included in the WISC-V test. 

  • Primary verbal comprehension subset – Similarities 
  • Primary verbal comprehension subset – vocabulary 
  • Primary visual-spatial subsets – Block design & visual puzzles 
  • Fluid Reasoning – Matrix reasoning & figure weights 
  • Primary Working Memory – Digit span & picture span

These are the 10 subsets of WISC-V that you need to know about before making your child take this test. 

To understand better, let’s discuss each of these subsets a bit more. 

Verbal comprehension – This is the index that measures the child’s ability to access as well as apply all the acquired knowledge. Through this assessment subset, you can check out the scores that reflect your child’s ability to verbalize meaningful concepts using words. 

Visual-spatial index – Another subset of WISC-V is a visual-spatial index. This index can help measure a child’s ability to evaluate all the visual details while understanding and putting together the visual-spatial relationships with the motive of constructing the geometric designs from a model. To do so, a child needs to have strong visual-spatial reasoning, integration, as well as synthesis skills. 

Fluid reasoning index – Next is the index that helps detect the child’s ability to find an underlying conceptual relationship among the visual objects with the help of reasoning abilities. 

Working memory index – Through this index, you can easily measure the child’s ability to register, maintain, as well as manipulate visual as well as auditory information. Through these tasks, one can effectively measure a child’s concentration, mental reasoning, and attention. 

The processing speed index – Through this process, a child’s speed and accuracy are put to test. In this section of the test, the child’s ability to make decisions is identified. 

All this together put brings a complete WISC-V test. You can find different resources online that provide this WISC-V test for your child. We highly recommend you to check out Quirky Kid. They have a collection of different IQ tests that you can get your child to take and measure their mental growth.